Has anyone attempted to convert a media file type programmatically in EPiServer?
We have a type we modeled for images, ImageFile, and a type that was added via a plugin. We don't use the type added by the plugin but found that images uploaded will, from time to time, be created as the wrong type. I am hoping to figure out how to make the conversion so I can run a scheduled job to batch convert them all then remove the plugin.
So far, I can programmatically make a copy of A as type B then delete A. What I would really like to do is convert A to B for a seamless transition.
First thing I tried is cloning the image as the proper type but that comes up null
var media = _contentRepository.Service.GetDescendents(SiteDefinition.Current.GlobalAssetsRoot)
.Where(i => _contentRepository.Service.Get<IContent>(i) is MediaData);
var imageFileTypeId = new ImageFile().ContentTypeID;
foreach (var img in media)
if (img.Get<IContent>() is GcEpiImageFile)
count++ // for summary
var item = _contentLoader.Service.Get<GcEpiImageFile>(img.Get<IContent>().ContentLink);
var cloneItem = item.CreateWritableClone() as ImageFile;
if (cloneItem == null)
var msg = $"{item.Name}: {item.ContentLink.ID} came up null";
cloneItem.ContentTypeID = imageFileTypeId;
_contentRepository.Service.Save(cloneItem, SaveAction.Publish, AccessLevel.NoAccess);
Next thing I tried is cloning it as the base class ImageData which seems to create the object but throws a Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception when saving.
var media = _contentRepository.Service.GetDescendents(SiteDefinition.Current.GlobalAssetsRoot)
.Where(i => _contentRepository.Service.Get<IContent>(i) is MediaData);
var imageFileTypeId = new ImageFile().ContentTypeID;
foreach (var img in media)
if (img.Get<IContent>() is GcEpiImageFile)
count++ // for summary
var item = _contentLoader.Service.Get<GcEpiImageFile>(img.Get<IContent>().ContentLink);
var cloneItem = item.CreateWritableClone() as ImageData;
if (cloneItem == null)
var msg = $"{item.Name}: {item.ContentLink.ID} came up null";
cloneItem.ContentTypeID = imageFileTypeId;
catch (Exception ex)
summaryMessage.AppendLine($"exception triggered by id assignment {ex.Message}<br />{ex.InnerException}");
_contentRepository.Service.Save(cloneItem, SaveAction.Publish, AccessLevel.NoAccess);
catch (Exception ex)
$"exception triggered by save {ex.Message}<br />{ex.InnerException}");
here is my stack trace:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at EPiServer.Validation.Internal.RoutingSegmentValidator.Validate(IContent instance) at
EPiServer.Validation.Internal.ContextValidatorWrapper`2.Validate(Object instance, Object context)
at EPiServer.Validation.Internal.ValidationService.ValidateRecursively(Object instance, Object context, HashSet`1 visitedInstances)
at EPiServer.Validation.Internal.ValidationService.Validate[T](Object instance, T context)
at EPiServer.Core.ContentProvider.Validate(IContent content, ContentSaveValidationContext saveValidationContext)
at EPiServer.Core.Internal.DefaultContentRepository.Save(IContent content, SaveAction action, AccessLevel access) at Web.Business.ScheduledJobs.ImageConversion.Execute()
Any thoughts, help, guidance would be greatly appreciated
Hat tip to Johann Kronberg on the EPiServer developer forum for his help.
BEGIN TRANSACTION [ConvertTransaction]
DECLARE @FromPropertyID1 int
DECLARE @ToPropertyID1 int
DECLARE @FromPropertyID2 int
DECLARE @ToPropertyID2 int
DECLARE @FromPropertyID3 int
DECLARE @ToPropertyID3 int
DECLARE @FromPageType int
DECLARE @ToPageType int
DECLARE @Recursive bit
DECLARE @IsTest bit
SELECT @PageID = 1
#get your type ids from content type guid
SELECT @FromPageType = pkID FROM tblContentType WHERE ContentTypeGUID = 'guid of the media type being changed'
SELECT @ToPageType = pkID FROM tblContentType WHERE ContentTypeGUID = 'guid of the media type it is being change to'
#mapping properties THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!
SELECT @FromPropertyID1 = pkID FROM tblPropertyDefinition WHERE fkContentTypeID = @FromPageType AND [Name] = 'Copyright'
SELECT @FromPropertyID2 = pkID FROM tblPropertyDefinition WHERE fkContentTypeID = @FromPageType AND [Name] = 'Description'
SELECT @FromPropertyID3 = pkID FROM tblPropertyDefinition WHERE fkContentTypeID = @FromPageType AND [Name] = 'Notes'
SELECT @ToPropertyID1 = pkID FROM tblPropertyDefinition WHERE fkContentTypeID = @ToPageType AND [Name] = 'Copyright'
SELECT @ToPropertyID2 = pkID FROM tblPropertyDefinition WHERE fkContentTypeID = @ToPageType AND [Name] = 'Alt Text'
SELECT @ToPropertyID3 = pkID FROM tblPropertyDefinition WHERE fkContentTypeID = @ToPageType AND [Name] = 'Notes'
SET @Recursive = 1
SET @IsTest = 0
print @PageID
print @FromPageType
print @ToPageType
DECLARE @MasterLanguageID int
SET @MasterLanguageID = 8
EXECUTE @RC = [dbo].[netConvertPropertyForPageType]
print @RC
EXECUTE @RC = [dbo].[netConvertPropertyForPageType]
print @RC
EXECUTE @RC = [dbo].[netConvertPropertyForPageType]
print @RC
EXECUTE @RC = [dbo].[netConvertPageType]
print @RC
COMMIT TRANSACTION [ConvertTransaction]
-- Run separately
DECLARE @FromPageType int
SELECT @FromPageType = pkID FROM tblContentType WHERE ContentTypeGUID = '0a89e464-56d4-449f-aea8-2bf774ab8730'
EXECUTE netContentTypeDelete @ContentTypeID = @FromPageType
Note If your source type has more properties than your destination type you may need to add properties to your destination. In my first run at this, I was able to convert the types but I could not delete the destination type.