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return unique values from array in vuejs

I am using Vuejs and Vuex to return an array of item objects. The items can be submitted to the database with the same name multiple times. I need to create a list of unique item names in an array in Vuejs.

from map getters below all Items returns an array of objects that looks like

  {"name": "item one", "number": "001", "size": "4000kb"}
  {"name": "item two", "number": "002", "size": "5000kb"}
  {"name": "item three", "number": "003", "size": "6000kb"}

   methods: {
  computed: {
 itemNames: function() {
      return [ Set(]
  created() {

In computed properties itemNames if I take off the .name [ Set(this.allItems)] the array returns the complete objects - how can I just pull the name out to a list?

The v-for does not return the array

<v-list-item v-for="(itemName, index ) in itemNames" :key="index">
  <v-list-item-content> {{ itemName }}</v-list-item-content>

Thanks for any help.


  • I solved this one in computed properties by mapping the items to a new array like so

     itemNames: function() {
          return  [ Set( => x.item.Name))]