I am trying to take an input in Japanese language and pass the value as parameter to another function to retrieve data from the function but whenever I run node app.js it doesn't recognize the input. But in the browser it is working just fine.
So it is accessing data from json const innerArray = { Name : 'Test', Prefecture: '東京都' }
While accessing it:
let prefectureName = innerArray.Prefecture
The output is ???
When I use the input in english it also works. Then I also tried to convert the japanese input into english. then again the same problem remains as it can not read the input. Can anyone help me regarding this matter?
I suspect this is only a problem in your log console. Node.js uses UTF-16 internally, so Japanese characters are fully supported.
I'd suggest trying the following:
const fs = require("fs");
const innerArray = { Name : 'Test', Prefecture: '東京都' }
fs.writeFileSync("test.json", JSON.stringify(innerArray), "utf8");
console.log("innerArray:", innerArray);
Then open test.json in something like Notepad++, you should see the characters rendered correctly.
If I try this example in Visual Studio Code, the output is fine too since the console or output font has support for Japanese Characters.