I am using Material-UI in my React app, and I have a Dialog
that appears over several form elements after I click a button.
I also have that dialog set to allow it to be dragged using react-draggable.
When the dialog is showing, none of the form elements behind it are ale to be accessed. I realize it intuitively makes sense to block interaction with the elements behind the dialog.
However, I am trying to figure out how to have the dialog showing, and yet still being able to edit the form elements behind it.
Code example here:
Does anyone know if it's possible to show a MaterialUI Dialog and still be able to interact with form elements behind the dialog (ie, when the dialog is dragged away)?
The dialog was meant to block all other interaction so the user can focus on its contents. Anyway, I found one solution, probably not the better but is working here, the code is this:
hideBackdrop // Disable the backdrop color/image
disableEnforceFocus // Let the user focus on elements outside the dialog
style={{ position: 'initial' }} // This was the key point, reset the position of the dialog, so the user can interact with other elements
disableBackdropClick // Remove the backdrop click (just to be sure)