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Eclipse Launch Group - How does Launch Mode work?

I am working with STS based on Eclipse

About Run Configurations

I have some Maven configurations for Main executions defined through the Maven Build section. I need execute some of them together, for this goal I am working with the Launch Group section as follows:

enter image description here

From above I added three configurations to run together.

When I added each one, or even if I need update/edit each one - exists the following (observe the bottom part):

enter image description here

From above I did do some experiments about the Post launch action options and I understand clearly how works each one. Until here all is fine.

The situation is about the Launch mode options as follows:

enter image description here

From above I understand run option, it is the common or simplest execution.

But I am not able to figure out - what do or how work the rest of the options:

  • Inherit
  • Profile
  • Database Debug (Not sure if this option/item appears because I have the Dbeaver plugin installed)

Question: therefore how Inherit, Profile and Database Debug work? (Mostly the two first). If some scenarios or situations can be shared about when to use each one, it is appreciate to have a better perspective.

BTW if I choice Profile, appears the following error message (see blue square), as follows, so not sure when would be used (it is confuse)

enter image description here


  • The launch mode must be supported by the type of the launch configuration to be able to select it without an error.

    Maven launch configurations support the launch mode Run only.

    For launch configurations that supports the launch mode Run and Debug (like e.g. Java Application launch configurations), also Inherit can be chosen. Inherit means the launch mode of the launch group. Use the drop-down of the Debug button in the main toolbar to launch the launch group in Debug mode or the drop-down of the Run button to launch the launch group in Run mode. Alternatively, a launch group can be executed via the menu Run > Run Configurations... respectively Run > Debug Configurations... in the Run respectively Debug mode.

    Launch groups exist since Eclipse Oxygen (4.7). This short video shows them in action. Run and Debug are the basic launch modes. All others with the exception of Inherit are contributed by additional plug-ins. For example, the Profile launch mode comes with Eclipse EclEmma for Java code coverage which is built-in in all Java IDE packages.

    The dialog should not offer the option to choose a not supported mode. Maybe this is because plug-ins can add additional launch modes (in your case Database Debug) or maybe because nobody has implemented it yet (Eclipse is open source and contributions like this are welcome).