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Svelte - access child component's method

I have an app that simply hides content Hidden.svelte:

    let shown = false;

    function show() {
        shown = true;

<svelte:options accessors={true}/>

{#if shown}

Parent App.svelte:

    import Hidden from 'Hidden';

    let child;

<Hidden bind:this={child}>

<button on:click={() => child.shown = true}>Show</button>

So, child's shown can be easily set due to <svelte:options accessors={true}/> in parent

But, I want to use method show() since it can not only set shown value, but also perform some magic

Thx to Chrome's DevTools, I found that all components have an Array with props and methods, that could be accessed via some .$$.ctx, so Hidden's show() method can be called like this:

<button on:click={() => child.$$.ctx[2]()}>Show</button>

But) You know) Is there is a legal way to do it?


  • Hidden.svelte

        let shown = false;
        export function show() {
            shown = true;
    {#if shown}


        import Hidden from './Hidden.svelte';
        let child;
    <Hidden bind:this={child}>
    <button on:click={() =>}>Show</button>

    The call to can actually be simplified, but I thought this could make it harder to figure out what's going on in the example. You can do just:

    <button on:click={}>Show</button>