I just made a website using both materializecss and bootstrap platform.(I know this is a bad idea, but worked for me) I have a problem on mobile view. when I reduce the viewport, it seems a margin shows up aside the whole body part and I have no idea what is this about! I give 2 screenshots and the website addresses to look it up. * if you explain what parts of code you need to look, I present it. example screenshot 1 and this example screenshot 2. here are the website addresses: www.shariffoundation.ir/prototypetest and www.petrobavar.ir
For this link - www.shariffoundation.ir/prototypetest (The issue seems to be from the animations in your footer element, so I'd say use {overflow:hidden} for the footer area to help fix this.
For the second link - I'd say to user overflow:hidden on the id "responsiblity" so #responsiblity{overflow:hidden}