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Failed to exec spawn helper error since moving to Java 14 on linux

Just moved from Java 11 to Java 14.

The following code is now failing on a Linux machine:

String linux_exe  = System.getProperty("user.dir") + '/' + "fpcalc_arm32";
List<String> params = new ArrayList();
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(params.toArray(new String[1]));

with stacktrace

Cannot run program "/mnt/system/config/Apps/SongKong/songkong/fpcalc_arm32": error=0, Failed to exec spawn helper: pid: 13998, exit value: 127 Cannot run program "/mnt/system/config/Apps/SongKong/songkong/fpcalc_arm32": error=0, Failed to exec spawn helper: pid: 13998, exit value: 127
    at java.base/java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
    at java.base/java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
    at java.base/java.lang.Runtime.exec(
    at java.base/java.lang.Runtime.exec(
    at com.jthink.songkong.analyse.acoustid.AcoustId.generateFingerprint(
    at com.jthink.songkong.analyse.acoustid.AcoustId.createAcoustIdFingerprint(

What has changed in Java 14 that would cause this?

I ran the equivalent code on Windows using Java 14 and that did run okay. But I had retried with same code base on this Unix machine using both Java 11 and Java 14 and can confirm that Java 11 always works and Java 14 always fails.


  • I have found the issue, I came across these issues on the Openjdk Bugs Database

    Provide a way for Runtime.exec to use posix_spawn on linux


    Change the Process launch mechanism default on Linux to be posix_spawn

    Essentially in Java 11 Linux uses vfork to start processes but by Java 13 it now uses posix_spawn.

    posix_spawn actually requires a program called jspawnhelper that is located within jre/lib. In my case this exists but it does not have execute permissions, this is because I use jlink to build a jre that just has the system modules I need, but I create this on Windows (my main dev environment).

    call "C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin\jlink" --module-path="C:\Code\jthink\SongKong\linux_jdk\jmods"  --add-modules java.desktop,java.datatransfer,java.logging,,java.naming,,java.prefs,java.scripting,java.sql,,jdk.unsupported,jdk.scripting.nashorn --output C:\code\jthink\songkong\linuxjre

    Windows doesn't understand linux execute permissions, when I deploy my application I set execute permission on the executables that are in jre/bin but didn't know there were any executables in jre/lib. Changing the permissions on jspawnhelper to execute fixes the issue.

    An alternative workaround is to add the following java option:
