I have a Struts/J2EE application.
I have a class that creates a callable.
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NO_THREADS);
List<Future<Long>> tripFutureList = new ArrayList<>();
for(Long tripId : tripIds) {
Callable<Long> callable = new CallableTripAutoApprovalEscalation(tripId);
Future<Long> future = executor.submit(callable);
for(Future<Long> future : tripFutureList) {
try {
logger.fine("Processed trip auto approval escalation for trip: "+future.get());
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
logger.severe("There was an error processing trip."+ e.getMessage());
This works, however my problem is when the callable needs to perform its call()
method, the callable cannot @Inject
any other classes, i.e. they are null
. This is because the callable is created with the new
keyword and looses its DI scope.
How do I create the callable to still be able to do Dependency Injection?
More info:
Here is the callable class (the injected TripAutoApprovalEscalationService
is null
public class CallableTripAutoApprovalEscalation implements Callable<Long> {
public CallableTripAutoApprovalEscalation() {}
public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CallableTripAutoApprovalEscalation.class.getName());
private TripAutoApprovalEscalationService tripAutoApprovalEscalation;
private Long tripId;
public CallableTripAutoApprovalEscalation(Long tripId) {
this.tripId = tripId;
public Long call() throws Exception {
logger.info("Execute trip for callable: "+tripId);
return tripAutoApprovalEscalation.performEscalation(tripId);
You can inject it to parent container and simply pass that instance
//in your wrapping component
private YourInjectableClass injectable;
//and then pass it as ctor arg
Callable<Long> callable = new CallableTripAutoApprovalEscalation(tripId, injectable);
Future<Long> future = executor.submit(callable);