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How can I keep my draw function while using dom positioning in datatables?

I am loading thumbnails into my datatable via draw.dt function:

  var table = $('.datatable').DataTable({
     //... code

  $('.datatable').on( 'draw.dt', function() {

This works well, but I try now to display my pagination into the header, so I am adding:

   var table = $('.datatable').DataTable({
       "dom": '<"col-sm-6"<"dataTables_length"l>><"col-sm-6"<"dataTables_filter"p>><"clear">',

But now my thumbnails are not loaded anymore.


  • You miss t for table, try with

    dom: '<"col-sm-6"<"dataTables_length"l>><"col-sm-6"<"dataTables_filter"p>>"clear">t',

    If you not use t the table itself is omitted.