I'm trying to implement something like a countdown timer that Display a message half the minutes selected. For example if I set 6 minutes, when countdown timer reach 3 minutes , it displays a toast and then continue to tick.
it doesn't work
I asked this question other times but i was asked to clarify my question so i hope it will go.
// 6 min =360,000 millisecond
final long millis=360000;
new CountDownTimer(millis,1000) {
public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
long halftime =millis/2;
if (millisUntilFinished == halftime){
Toast.makeText(CommentJouerActivity.this, "Halftime sir", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public void onFinish() {}
Hmmm. I think I faced similar problem recently. You set tick rate to 1 second == 1000 milliseconds, but I think that onTick() method might have some minimal time shift (like 1 or 2 milliseconds per tick). Because of that you might miss the halftime by few milliseconds.
I have few ideas for you.
1) You can calculate halftime earlier, so it's not beeing calculated per every tick. And remove it from onTick() body.
final long millis=360000;
long halftime =millis/2;
2) You can check halftime with some margin, for example half tick time:
if (millisUntilFinished + 500 > halftime && millisUntilFinished - 500 < halftime) {
Toast.makeText(CommentJouerActivity.this, "Halftime sir", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();