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Generic class for convert list of object to IEnumerable<SqlDataRecord>

I've this object:

public class ConsentData
    public string ConsentName { get; set; }
    public bool ConsentValue { get; set; }
    public DateTime ConsentDate { get; set; }

I should pass a List of ConsentData to a stored procedure in SQL Server via a table-value parameter.

Looking for a way to convert the List of ConsentData in a List of SqlDataRecord i found this generic class on web:

public class SqlTableValueSupport<T> : List<T>, IEnumerable<SqlDataRecord> where T : class, new()
        IEnumerator<SqlDataRecord> IEnumerable<SqlDataRecord>.GetEnumerator()
            //Create Columns (SqlMetaData)
            List<SqlMetaData> records = new List<SqlMetaData>();
            var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();
            foreach (var prop in properties)
                SqlDbType sdbtyp = GetSqlType(prop.PropertyType);
                records.Add(new SqlMetaData(prop.Name, sdbtyp));

            //Create records/rows (SqlDataRecord)
            SqlDataRecord ret = new SqlDataRecord(records.ToArray());

            foreach (T data in this)
                for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
                    ret.SetValue(i, properties[i].GetValue(data, null));

                yield return ret;

        // Map C# Types to SqlDbType
        private SqlDbType GetSqlType(Type type)
            SqlDbType val = SqlDbType.VarChar;
            if (type == typeof(Int64) || type == typeof(Nullable<Int64>))
                val = SqlDbType.BigInt;
            else if (type == typeof(Byte[]))
                val = SqlDbType.Binary;
            else if (type == typeof(Boolean) || type == typeof(Nullable<Boolean>))
                val = SqlDbType.Bit;
            else if (type == typeof(DateTime) || type == typeof(Nullable<DateTime>))
                val = SqlDbType.DateTime;
            else if (type == typeof(Decimal))
                val = SqlDbType.Decimal;
            // Please refer to the following document to add other types
            return val;

I'd like to know how to use the class, how can i pass the List of ConsentData and retrive a List of SqlDataRecord?


  • In the end, I solved the problem by handling the class with a static method. This is the class:

    public class SqlTableValueSupport<T> where T : class
        public static DataTable ConvertData(List<T> ValuesList)
            DataTable dtData = new DataTable();
            var objectReference = ValuesList.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0];
            var properties = objectReference.GetProperties();
            foreach (var prop in properties)
                dtData.Columns.Add(prop.Name, prop.PropertyType);
            foreach (var item in ValuesList)
                var dataArray = new List<object>();
                foreach (var prop in properties)
            return dtData;

    The method is called in the following way

    var ListOfMyObjectDT = SqlTableValueSupport<MyObject>.ConvertData(ListOfMyObject);