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How do You Encode WIQL JSON?

In Postman I'm able to submit a query to our Azure DevOps 2019 Server no problem:

POST https://<AZDOSERVER>/<COLLECTION>/<PROJECT>/<TEAM>/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=5.0
{"query": "Select [System.Id] From WorkItems WHERE [System.AreaPath] UNDER '<AREANAME>'"}

But when I do it in Python it seems to run into an encoding issue with the single quotes around my AREANAME. Here's my code:

url = "https://<AZDOSERVER>/<COLLECTION>/<PROJECT>/<TEAM>/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=5.0"
json = '{"query": "Select [System.Id] From WorkItems WHERE [System.AreaPath] UNDER ' 
    + "'<AREANAME>'" + '" }'
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json; api-version=5.0'}
response =, json=json, auth=self.basicauth, headers=headers)

I get a 400 error with the following message:

b'{"count":1,"value":{"Message":"Error converting value \\"{\\"query\\": 
\\"Select [System.Id] From WorkItems WHERE [System.AreaPath] UNDER \'<AREANAME>\'\\" }\\" 
to type \'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WebApi.Models.Wiql\'. Path \'\', 
line 1, position 92.\\r\\n"}}'

How should I pass JSON properly into the python method so that it's sent wtih proper encoding? I tried capturing my outbound request via Fiddler but it doesn't see python traffic. I'm installing Wireshark too but that's going to take a while. I also stepped thru the method to try and understand how it's build the body of the request. It seems to be handling the single quotes properly when it covers to a byte array.


  • Figured it out: takes a dictionary object for the json parameter instead of a json string.