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updating query every day using task scheduling in laravel

I am trying to update a query every day using the laravel task scheduler. I currently have a home controller in which I select the picture with the most likes and pass the result to my home page. I also have started a windows task which calls my laravel schedule every minute.


$foodOfTheDay = Picture::withCount('likes')
    ->where('picture_type', 'food')
    ->orderBy('likes_count', 'desc')

$drinkOfTheDay = Picture::withCount('likes')
    ->where('picture_type', 'drink')
    ->orderBy('likes_count', 'desc')

return view('timeline.index', [
            'users' => $users,
            'pictures' => $pictures,
            'comments' => $comments,
            'foodOfTheDay' => $foodOfTheDay,               
            'drinkOfTheDay' => $drinkOfTheDay,


protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
    // $schedule->command('inspire')->hourly();


I'm wondering how I could update the food and drink of the day variables from my schedule all the while keeping them accessible to my home view.

Thank you for your help.


  • First, you need to create a command with php artisan make:command YourCommandName. This creates a file in app/Console/Commands/.

    In the newly created Command file, change then $signature to something useful. Also, in the handle() method, write your logic there.

    Next, you have to register the command in $commands array in app/Console/Kernel.php.

    Finally, in the schedule() method of app/Console/Kernel.php, call your command with frequency e.g $schedule->call('command:signature')->daily();

    PS: This assumes you already have a corn job set up on your server that runs every minute.

    To solve the problem, create a new database table that stores the pictures of the day. Then, create an artisan command which uploads the food and drink variables. In a schedule, update the artisan command daily. Lastly, write a query in the controller that selects the most recent result from the picture of the day table for each category and pass the result of that query to the view.