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Ti - basic homography bilinear interpolation problem

I'm trying to make a program that can calculate bilinear interpolation with homography; which means I have four points (xn,yn) n = 1, 2, 3, 4, and corresponding f(xn, yn) and interpolate f(x,y) from the given four sets.

The basic concept is to get a homography matrix that moves four given (xn, yn) to the unit square, and to apply bilinear interpolation to the unit square. (see Vishnu Pardeesh's answer)

And below is my Ti-basic code(including debugging codes)

Define LibPub blin()=
:Request "x1",x1
:Request "y1",y1
:Request "f1",f1
:Request "x2",x2
:Request "y2",y2
:Request "f2",f2
:Request "x3",x3
:Request "y3",y3
:Request "f3",f3
:Request "x4",x4
:Request "y4",y4
:Request "f4",f4
:Request "x",x
:Request "y",y
:Local a
:Local b
:Local h
:Disp "h2 = ",h2
:Disp "b=a*h=",a*h2
:Disp "Homography h =",h
:Local q,q1,q2,q3,q4
:Disp q,q1,q2,q3,q4
:Local f
:Disp "f=",f
:Return f

And the testing result is like below.

x1 140
h2 =  [[−0.007144][0.182382][1.][7.70819−14][1.08176−12][−9.54405−12][−0.007144][0.182382][1.]]
b=a*h= [[1.77−11][−1.24859−12][1.57−11][−1.79793−12][1.86−11][−2.01942−12][1.78−11][−1.44315−12][1.]]
Homography h = [[−0.007144,0.182382,1.][7.70819−14,1.08176−12,−9.54405−12][−0.007144,0.182382,1.]]
[[1.][−3.2999−10][1.]] [[17.7][−1.24859][1.]] [[1.][1.94125−11][1.]] [[1.][−2.82671−11][1.]] [[−16.8][2.44315][1.]]
f= [2550.]

Since some fonts are breaking, I append screenshot here. enter image description here enter image description here

enter image description here

It seems the homography matrix does not move the given points to a unit square. How can I fix the code?


  • It turns out that the order of the last three columns of the fifth and sixth row of the A has been changed.

    thank you.