When derived class using base class constructor the deduction seems always fail. However, when the base class have lots of constructors it is very clumsy to re-define all the constructors. It is also a pain when base class are quickly evolved with new constructors. The old question was asked more than 2 years ago, so I wonder: is there any work around for this in 2020 when c++17 and c++2a are available?
template<typename ...As>
class base_t
base_t(As... args){}
template<typename ...As>
class A_t: public base_t<As...>
A_t(As... args): base_t<As...>{args...} {};
template<typename ...As>
class B_t: public base_t<As...>
using base_t<As...>::base_t;
int main()
base_t a{1, 2.0f};
A_t{1, 2.0f};
B_t{1, 2.0f}; //fails unless explicitly specialize the template
return 0;
The deduction guide is very helpful. However, for a little be more complicate situation, it still runs out of control:
template <typename A>
struct D_t {
A x;
D_t(A x) :x{x} {}
template<typename A, typename B>
class base2_t
base2_t(A a, B b){std::cout << "1\n";}
base2_t(A a, D_t<B> c, int x){std::cout << "2\n";}
base2_t(A a, B b, int x){std::cout << "3\n";}
base2_t(A a, B b, int x, float y){std::cout << "4\n";}
explicit base2_t(A(*fp)(B)){std::cout << "5\n";}
// if we have lots of similar things like above
// we will quickly end up write lots of different
// guides.
template<typename A, typename B>
class C_t: public base2_t<A, B>
using base2_t<A, B>::base2_t;
template<typename A, typename B, typename ...As>
C_t(A, B, As...)->C_t<A, B>;
template<typename A, typename B>
C_t(A(*)(B))->C_t<A, B>;
float func1(int x)
return x;
int main()
C_t{1, 2.0f, 3};
base2_t{1, D_t{2.0f}, 3};
C_t{1, D_t{2.0f}, 3}; // this is wrong, we have to deal with it by checking types and write different guides.
till 2023, the proposal is accepted in c++23 P2582R1 But neither gcc nor llvm has implemented it yet. But there is a hope that in the middle of this year this issue will finally get fixed.
Being able to inherit deduction guides from base classes was proposed for c++20. However, this feature didn't make it in, as the last line says:
The wording for CTAD from inherited constructors was not finalized in time for the C++20 committee draft, and will be published in a separate wording paper at a later point in time.
So as of now, you will need to provide deduction guides for the derived class explicitly (or define the constructor as you did for A_t
). Hopefully, this will be fixed in c++23.