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What is the recommended way of registering ContainerRequestFilter in Dropwizard 2.x?

I am using dropwizard 1.3.9 and working on moving to the latest dropwizard 2.x.

Right now I have a ContainerRequestFilter like below

public class BasicAuthenticator implements ContainerRequestFilter {
      private HttpServletRequest servletRequest;
      private final CollectorChannel collectorChannel ;
      private final ConfigStore configStore;

      public BasicAuthenticator(final CollectorChannel collectorChannel, final ConfigStore configStore)

      public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {

            String requestIpAddress = servletRequest.getRemoteAddr();
            String requestHost = servletRequest.getRemoteHost();
  "Request originates from IP {} Host {}", requestIpAddress, requestHost);

            String authHeader = requestContext.getHeaderString("Authorization");

            Optional<User> user = AuthUtils.getUserBasicAuth(authHeader);
            if (!user.isPresent()) {

            if (!isAuthentic(user.get())) {

            if (!isValidLiSource(requestIpAddress) && !isValidLiSource(requestHost)) {

I register it like below

final BasicAuthenticator basicAuthenticator = new BasicAuthenticator(collectorChannel, configStore);

In migration doc it is mentioned that

Migrating resource instances with field context injections to Dropwizard 2.0 involves pushing the field into a parameter in the desired endpoint

But filter() method does not get the context as argument. Can someone let me know what is the recommended way to register a ContainerRequestFilter like above in 2.x ?


  • As pointed out by @Paul Samostha above and also answered in the forum like below

    Hm, the migration guide talks about resource instances but not ContainerRequestFilters. For what it's worth I tried this out in 2.0.8 with a field-injected context and instance registration like you have written above and it seems to work for me. HttpServletRequest is injected and available when the filter is executed.