Unable to convert swagger 2.0 into a format which is being affected by Postman import functionality
Generated via /swagger.json|yaml
Swagger endpoint exposed via dropwizard jetty using swagger
Tried manually importing the JSON or YAML versions via the import screen
Tried converting to different formats using: api-spec-converter and swagger2-postman-generator
Error on import: Must contain an info object
Has anyone managed to get around this issue allowing the import
In Swagger 2.0 the info field is mandatory. Just add the following to your YAML root:
title: 'EmptyTitle'
description: 'EmptyDescription'
version: 0.1.0
Or like this if you have it in JSON format (in the root too):
"info": {
"title": "EmptyTitle",
"description": "EmptyDescription",
"version": "0.1.0"
Hope it helped !