I have a static
-char array defined as:
static const char city_names[1000][4][50];
And i want to return a pointer to this variable from functions, i try a static_cast
to void*
but it fail. How can i return a pointer to char[][][]
A pointer to the array (more precisely to the first element of the array if you will initialize it with the array) can be declared like
static const char city_names[1000][4][50];
const char ( *p )[4][50] = city_names;
So a function declaration that returns such a pointer can look like
const char ( *f( /* some parameters */ ) )[4][50];
And within the function you may just write
return city_names;
That is if you have an array declared like
T a[N1][N2][N3];
where T is some type specifier and N1, N2, N3 are constants that specify sizes of the array then you may rewrite the declaration like
T ( a[N1] )[N2][N3];
To get a pointer to the element type of the array just substitute the record ( a[N1] ) for a declarator of pointer like
T ( *p )[N2][N3] = a;