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Odoo V13 Custom fields in product menu don't show up

I'm trying to add a simple custom field to the product menu but it doesn't appear.

My modifications in the product models are visible in the "technical>models" menu and my view is well loaded in the views list, there's no error or warning.


from odoo import fields, models

class Product(models.Model) :
    _inherit = 'product.product'
    test = fields.Boolean('Material')


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from . import models
from . import material
from . import machine
from . import product


<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <record id="view_cbd_product" model="ir.ui.view">
        <field name="name">cbd.product</field>
        <field name="model">product.product</field>
        <field name="inherit_id" ref="product.product_normal_form_view"/>
        <field name="arch" type="xml">
            <field name="sale_ok" position="after">
                <field name="test"/>

in the

    'data': [

Thanks for your help


    1. In developer mode press the bug
    2. Click on edit view form
    3. Check on inherited view tab to see if your view is there.