I have a two URI's and I want to concat the file from the second URI like the below: ...
URI uri1 = new URI("file:/C:/Users/TestUser/Desktop/Example_File/");
URI uri2 = new URI("/Example_File.xlsx");
after uri1.resolve(uri2) I want to get -> file:/C:/Users/TestUser/Desktop/Example_File/Example_File.xlsx
... The above resolve uri returns file:/Exampe_File.xlsx, which is not my expected result. How to do concat these two URI's?
To resolve, the second URI
should not have the leading /
URI uri1 = new URI("C:/Users/TestUser/Desktop/Example_File/");
URI uri2 = new URI("Example_File.xlsx");
// C:/Users/TestUser/Desktop/Example_File/Example_File.xlsx