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How to implement the COVAR formula in VBA?

I've been calculating the variance of two stocks and it requires the covariance to finish the calculation. But I want to use VBA to implement the formula.

Range G4:G25 has the data of the returns of Microsoft and Range H4:H25 has the data of the returns Apple Inc. and Range I4:I25 has the data of the returns Facebook and Range J4:J25 has the data of the returns Exxon.

I have named Range G4:G25 as Range1 and Range H4:H25 as Range2 and I4:I25 as Range3 and J4:J25 as Range4

This is my code below

Dim data1 As Integer
Dim data2 As Integer

If ComboBox1 = "microsoft" Then data1 = Range("Range1").Select
If ComboBox1 = "facebook" Then data1 = Range("Range3").Select
If ComboBox2 = "apple" Then data2 = Range("Range2").Select
If ComboBox2 = "exxon" Then data2 = Range("Range4").Select
Range("G32").Formula = "=COVAR(Range(data1),Range(data2))"

I am not getting any result with this Covariance formula. I am getting the "#NAME?" error in cell G32. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance


  • Try in this way, please:

    Sub testCovarFunction()
      Dim data1 As Range, data2 As Range
        If ComboBox1 = "microsoft" Then
            Set data1 = Range("Range1")
        ElseIf ComboBox1 = "facebook" Then
            Set data1 = Range("Range3")
        End If
        If ComboBox2 = "apple" Then
            Set data2 = Range("Range2")
        ElseIf ComboBox2 = "exxon" Then
            Set data2 = Range("Range4")
        End If
        Range("G32").Formula = "=COVAR(" & data1.Address & "," & data2.Address & ")"
    End Sub

    If you need everything in VBA, try this code, please:

    Sub testCovarFunctionBis()
      Dim data1 As Variant, data2 As Variant
        If ComboBox1 = "microsoft" Then
            data1 = Range("Range1").value
        ElseIf ComboBox1 = "facebook" Then
            data1 = Range("Range3").value
        End If
        If ComboBox2 = "apple" Then
            data2 = Range("Range2").value
        ElseIf ComboBox2 = "exxon" Then
            data2 = Range("Range4").value
        End If
        Range("G32").value = WorksheetFunction.Covar(data1, data2)
    End Sub