The Situation is the following: I sent the first request, then I sent repeatedly the second request with interval 5s. If the second request takes the success response, I save it in the database and do some actions, if it takes the not success(complete) response the request should be repeated. I need to stop repeating the second request when attempts will be bigger than 3. How I can do this?
return firstRequestSenderService.send(request)
.flatMap(resp -> {
AtomicInteger attempts = new AtomicInteger(0);
String url = normalizeUrl(resp.getResult());
return Mono.defer(() -> {"Second request, attempt = {}, params = {}", attempts.get(), param);
return secondRequestSenderService.send(param, url, attempts.getAndIncrement());
// i try .filter(b -> attempts.get() > 2)
.doOnNext(r ->"Save report"))
.map(secondResp -> dataSaver.saveReport(param, secondResp))
.doOnNext(r ->"Send request to another service"))
.flatMap(r -> secondRequestSender.sendPdf(r)))
.doOnNext(bytes -> dataSaver.saveAnotherReport(param, bytes))
.repeatWhenEmpty(req -> Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(5)));
// also try .repeatWhenEmpty(3, req -> Flux.interval(Duration.ofSeconds(5)));
check reactor-addons you can do something like that
return firstRequestSenderService.send(request)
.flatMap(resp -> {
return secondRequestSenderService
.send(param, url, attempts.getAndIncrement())
.randomBackoff(Duration.ofMillis(100), Duration.ofMillis(5000))
also u can do that with reactor core retry utils RetryBackoffSpec you will get that when you use latest spring webflux
RetryBackoffSpec retryBackoffSpec = Retry
.fixedDelay(3, Duration.ofSeconds(5));
return firstRequestSenderService.send(request)
.flatMap(resp -> {
return secondRequestSenderService
.send(param, url, attempts.getAndIncrement())