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How to ensure that Private DNS - address does not change in AWS EC2?

in the application I manage, in several places, there are hard-coded references to the Private DNS of an EC2. The code will refer to: ip-(some private IP here).eu-west-1.compute.internal.

If I stop and start an instance the private IP will change, and I assume also that the Private DNS URL will also change.

When this happens the code crashes. Is there any way I can avoid this change? Is there some way to create a Private DNS so it does not change even when an instance is stopped and started again?


  • The private DNS and the IP shouldn't change.

    However one feasible option is to launch your instances within a VPC and assign a Route 53 Private Hosted Zone that resolves your instances.

    The bridge between VPC and Route53 is a DHCP options in the VPC.