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Does Euclidean Distance change when strings "double"?

Problem I'm trying to answer this question: Consider two documents A and B whose Euclidean distance is d and cosine similarity is c (using no normalization other than raw term frequencies). If we create a new document A' by appending A to itself and anotherdocument B' by appending B to itself, then:

a.What is the Euclidean distance between A' and B' (using raw term frequency)?

My solution

doc1 = "the quicker brown dogs easily jumps over the lazy dogs" 
doc2 = "the quicker dogs pose a serious problem for lazy dogs"

def calc_term_frequency(doc : list):

    dic = {}
    for word in doc.split():
        if word in dic:
            dic[word] = dic[word] + 1
            dic[word]= 1

    for word, frequency in dic.items():
       dic[word]= frequency / len(doc.split())

    return dic

tfs_doc1 = calc_term_frequency(doc1)
tfs_doc2 = calc_term_frequency(doc2)

Outputs tfs_doc1 as: {'the': 0.2, 'quicker': 0.1, 'brown': 0.1, 'dogs': 0.2, 'easily': 0.1, 'jumps': 0.1, 'over': 0.1, 'lazy': 0.1} This seems like it works at it should. I then proceed to calculate the Euclidean Distance, first between doc1 and doc1 and then doc1 and doc2, shown below.

import math
math.sqrt(sum((tfs_doc1.get(k, 0) - tfs_doc1.get(k, 0))**2 for k in set(tfs_doc1.keys()).union(set(tfs_doc1.keys())))) # output: 0
math.sqrt(sum((tfs_doc1.get(k, 0) - tfs_doc2.get(k, 0))**2 for k in set(tfs_doc1.keys()).union(set(tfs_doc2.keys())))) # output: 0.316227766016838

This gives me a score of 0.316227766016838. When I try to verify that this is correct using sklearn, like below:

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances

corpus_vect = CountVectorizer().fit_transform(corpus).todense() 

print(euclidean_distances(corpus_vect[0], corpus_vect[0])) # output: 0
print(euclidean_distances(corpus_vect[0], corpus_vect[1] )) # output: 3.

I get an output of [[0.]] [[3.]], which translates to round(, 1) of my "manual" result.

The problem: when I try to answer the initial questions and "double" the strings, e.g.

doc1 = "the quicker brown dogs easily jumps over the lazy dogs the quicker brown dogs easily jumps over the lazy dogs" 
doc2 = "the quicker dogs pose a serious problem for lazy dogs the quicker dogs pose a serious problem for lazy dogs"

I get the same output for the manual technique (0.316227766016838) but [[0.]] [[6.]] when using the "sklearn method" / Vectorizer. So, using one method the ED stays the same and using the other it doubles!

What is the correct solution and what causes the difference? Really stuck here. Thanks in advance.


  • As you doubled the string, frequency of all terms (including raw terms) will be duplicated. Hence, if before duplication you have a (a1, a2, ..., ad) and (b1, b2, ..., bd) frequency vector for document A and B, respectively, the Euclidian diastance will be sqrt((a1-b1)^2 + (a2-b2)^2 + ... + (ad - bd)^2). Now, after duplication we have (2 * a1, 2 * a2, ..., 2 * ad) and (2 * b1,2 * b2, ...,2 * bd) and the distance is:

    dist(A', B') = sqrt((2 * a1- 2 * b1)^2 + (2 * a2 - 2 *b2)^2 + ... + (2 * ad - 2 * bd)^2) = 
    2 * sqrt((a1-b1)^2 + (a2-b2)^2 + ... + (ad - bd)^2) = 2 * dist(A,B)

    Beware, in the manual solution you are dividing the frequency by the length of the document and it prevents duplicating the term frequency.