Done -> ERROR
how I have named my databasepostgesql
that is auto generatedrdsadmin
this is also auto generated,
FATAL: SomeConfigFileName.conf rejects connection for host "host.ip.adders.actully.with.numbers", user "myPersonalUsername", database "rdsadmin", SSL on
FATAL: SomeConfigFileName.conf rejects connection for host "host.ip.adders.actully.with.numbers", user "myPersonalUsername", database "rdsadmin", SSL off
"rdsadmin" is used for internal purposes by AWS. There should be no need to "fix" this.
The only things you are missing is things you aren't allowed to do anyway, and indeed not needing to deal with them yourself is what you are paying Amazon for.
Django shouldn't care. If it demands access to this database, that would be a bug in Django (or a configuration error)