So I am trying to get all prices from a Html file using Jsoup. The simplified Html is structured something like this:
//some html
<div class="price-point-wrap use-roundtrippricing">
<div class="price-point-wrap-top use-roundtrippricing">
<div class="pp-from-total use-roundtrippricing">Roundtrip</div>
<div class="price-point price-point-revised use-roundtrippricing">
<div class="fare-select-button-div">
<input type="button" aria-describedby="sr_product_ECONOMY_123-745|1975-UA" value="Select" class="fare-select-button">
<span class="visuallyhidden">fare for Economy (lowest)</span>
//some html
<div class="price-point-wrap use-roundtrippricing">
<div class="price-point-wrap-top use-roundtrippricing">
<div class="pp-from-total use-roundtrippricing">Roundtrip</div>
<div class="price-point price-point-revised use-roundtrippricing">
<div class="fare-select-button-div">
<input type="button" aria-describedby="sr_product_MIN-BUSINESS-OR-FIRST_123-745|1975-UA" value="Select" class="fare-select-button">
<span class="visuallyhidden">fare for First (2-cabin, lowest)</span>
<div class="pp-remaining-seats">5 tickets left at this price</div>
//some html
This is what I have tried so far:
File input = new File("Flights.html");
Document document = Jsoup.parse(input, "UTF-8", "");
Elements prices = document.getElementsByClass("price-point");
for(Element e: prices){
This gives me the following result:
<div class="price-point price-point-revised use-roundtrippricing">
<div class="price-point price-point-revised use-roundtrippricing">
But now I only want prices like:
I tried regex by only keeping the digits e.toString().replaceAll("\\D+","")
when printing it, this seems to work but that is not how I want to achieve it. How can I get only the numbers using Jsoup?
Thanks to the comment from @Eritrean, I needed to use e.text()
instead of e.toString()
which gave me
I still need to use regex like e.replaceAll("[$,]", "")
to get rid of the dollar signs.