In a Spring boot 1.5.9 application, I have @SpringBootApplication
on my main class.
I also have @KopaxgroupApi
annotation, with :
public @interface KopaxgroupApi {
@AliasFor(annotation = Import.class, attribute = "value")
Class<?>[] value() default { KopaxgroupApiConfig.class };
With KopaxgroupApiConfig.class
@ComponentScan(basePackages = { KopaxgroupApiConfig.CLASSPATH })
public class KopaxgroupApiConfig {
public static final String CLASSPATH = "com.kopaxgroup.api";
I have created a new project within com.kopaxgroup.api.customerManagement.callMeBack
and there I have repository and service stored in respectively in directories repository
and service
The CallMeBackServiceImpl
cannot find the CallMeBackRepository
I am having the following error on startup:
Application failed to start due to an exception
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'com.kopaxgroup.api.customerManagement.callMeBack.repository.CallMeBackRepository' available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {}
Parameter 0 of constructor in com.kopaxgroup.api.customerManagement.callMeBack.service.impl.CallMeBackServiceImpl required a bean of type 'com.kopaxgroup.api.customerManagement.callMeBack.repository.CallMeBackRepository' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean of type 'com.kopaxgroup.api.customerManagement.callMeBack.repository.CallMeBackRepository' in your configuration.
I have tried to move CallMeBackRepository
into com.kopaxgroup.api.customerManagement.callMeBack.service.impl
but the error staid.
I have some similar package and they all can boot, I don't see any difference on the configuration.
This happen when creating a new jar.
I have added a bunch of @ComponentScan
but I couldn't solve it, how can I dig further and see the list of classpath used during @ComponentScan("com.kopaxgroup.api")
You are able to see all the beans that were created or rejected in Springboot along with the reasons for their creation and rejection.
List of beans in application context is provided by ConditionEvaluationReportLoggingListener
To print those beans: put this in
I am unable to find which package ConfigurationReportLoggingInitializer
sits in because that's the class that's responsible for printing beans in Springboot version 1.5.9. The work around is to provide following properties: logging.level.root=debug
. And then CTRL + F ConfigurationReportLoggingInitializer