Let's say I have an iterator:
function* someIterator () {
yield 1;
yield 2;
yield 3;
let iter = someIterator();
... that I look at the next element to be iterated:
let next = iter.next(); // {value: 1, done: false}
... and I then use the iterator in a loop:
for(let i of iterator)
// 2
// 3
The loop will not include the element looked at. I wish to see the next element while not taking it out of the iteration series.
In other words, I wish to implement:
let next = peek(iter); // {value: 1, done: false}, or alternatively just 1
for(let i of iterator)
// 1
// 2
// 3
... and I wan't to do it without modifying the code for the iterable function.
What I've tried is in my answer. It works (which is why I made it an answer), but I worry that it builds an object that is more complex than it has to be. And I worry that it will not work for cases where the 'done' object is something different than { value = undefined, done = true }
. So any improved answers are very much welcome.
Just a bit different idea is to use wrapper that makes an iterator kind of eagier.
function peekable(iterator) {
let state = iterator.next();
const _i = (function* (initial) {
while (!state.done) {
const current = state.value;
state = iterator.next();
const arg = yield current;
return state.value;
_i.peek = () => state;
return _i;
function* someIterator () { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; }
let iter = peekable(someIterator());
let v = iter.peek();
let peeked = iter.peek();
for (let i of iter) {