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Error packaging an Unreal Engine code plugin: Remote compiling requires a server name?

I am trying to package a code plugin for Unreal Engine but, it keeps failing to build with the error:

ERROR: Remote compiling requires a server name. Use the editor (Project Settings > IOS) to set up your remote compilation settings.

However, I am not trying to package to IOS. (At least I am not meaning to lol). It seems I need to add a White-list or something to the .uplugin file? Everything online seemed pretty vague on how to do that exactly or what it really means.

I was wondering if someone here had any experience dealing with this or knew how to resolve this error.


  • You can add whitelists or blacklist to each module in your UPLUGIN file, such as in this example:

        "FileVersion" : 3,
        . (omitted for brevity)
        "Modules" :
                "Name" : "YourModule",
                "Type" : "Runtime",
                "LoadingPhase" : "Default",
                "WhitelistPlatforms" :
                "Name" : "YourEditorModule",
                "Type" : "Editor",
                "LoadingPhase" : "PreDefault",
                "WhitelistPlatforms" :