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How to pass value to a String utility method in Thymeleaf

In my I have:

some.text=This text is for example

I would like to use one of Thymeleaf's String utility methods in my html for example:

<p th:text="${#strings.toUpperCase(#{some.text})}"></p>

But this line obviously doesn't work as I get an error. I don't seem to know how to pass some.text to a String utility method in Thymeleaf.

I couldn't find any similar examples in the documentation.
Can someone with more experience explain what I'm doing wrong?


  • I assume the standard message (without the uppercase function wrapped around it) is already working OK for you.

    Instead of using that standard way to show messages...


    ... use this alternative function-based syntax:


    So now, when you place it inside the uppercase function, it will be this:

    <p th:text="${#strings.toUpperCase(#messages.msg('some.text'))}"></p>

    For some reason, Thymeleaf will not let you use a standard message expression as the parameter to one of its utility methods - not even with the __${...}__ preprocessor.

    So instead, use a message function inside the uppercase function.