#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Person //class Person
public: //declare variables in the Person class
string lastName, firstName, address, city, state, zip, phone;
void printPerson() //function used to print out the content inside this class
cout << firstName << " ";
cout << lastName << endl;
cout << address << ", ";
cout << city << ", ";
cout << state << " ";
cout << zip << endl;
cout << "Phone Number: " << phone << endl;
class Customer : public Person { //declare class Customer; Customer is a derived class of Person
int customerNumber; //declare variables
bool mailingList;
string comments;
void printCustomer() //function used to print the content in the Customer class as well as the Person class
cout << "Customer Number: " << customerNumber << endl;
if (mailingList == true)
cout << "Mailing List: True" << endl;
if (mailingList == false)
cout << "Mailing List: False" << endl;
cout << "Comments: " << comments << endl;
int main()
ofstream outfile;
outfile.open("testOutput.txt", ios::out);
PreferredCustomer Igottaquestion; //create an instance for PreferredCustomer
Igottaquestion.lastName = "Igottaquestion";
Igottaquestion.firstName = "Ed";
Igottaquestion.address = "4901 Evergreen";
Igottaquestion.city = "Dearborn";
Igottaquestion.state = "MI";
Igottaquestion.zip = "48126";
Igottaquestion.phone = "313-436-9145";
Igottaquestion.customerNumber = 1;
Igottaquestion.mailingList = true;
Igottaquestion.comments = "class quentioner";
Customer Kool; //create an instance for Customer
Kool.lastName = "Kool";
Kool.firstName = "James";
Kool.address = "1313 Colin Blvd";
Kool.city = "Dearborn Heights";
Kool.state = "MI";
Kool.zip = "48127";
Kool.phone = "313-836-9168";
Kool.customerNumber = 3;
Kool.mailingList = false;
Kool.comments = "Class Answerer";
cout << endl;
return 0;
My question is, not only to the screen, I also need to print/output the result to a text file.
Normally, I can just do something like this:
ofstream outfile;
outfile.open("testOutput.txt", ios::out);
outfile << firstName << " ";
But, in this case, how can I get void print functions (that are embedded in classes) printed into a text file?
It's simple, just pass the place you want the output to go as a parameter to your functions. Like this
void printPerson(std::ostream& out) // out is the destination we are writing to
out << firstName << " ";
out << lastName << endl;
out << address << ", ";
out << city << ", ";
out << state << " ";
out << zip << endl;
out << "Phone Number: " << phone << endl;
Same change for printCustomer
Then you use the functions like this
ofstream outfile;
outfile.open("testOutput.txt", ios::out);
Customer Kool;
Kool.printCustomer(outFile); // write the customer to outfile
outFile << endl;
Person Aplus;
Aplus.printPerson(outFile); // write the person to outfile