I have strings with mathematical expressions like 2⁻¹² + 3³ / 4⁽³⁻¹⁾
I want to convert these strings to the form of 2^-12 + 3^3 / 4^(3-1)
What I got so far is that I can extract the superscript number and prepend the ^.
Fiddle of code below: https://dotnetfiddle.net/1G9ewP
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class Program
private static string ConvertSuperscriptToText(Match m){
string res = m.Groups[1].Value;
res = "^" + res;
return res;
public static void Main()
string expression = "2⁻¹² + 3³ / 4⁽³⁻¹⁾";
string desiredResult = "2^-12 + 3^3 / 4^(3-1)";
string supChars = "([¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁰⁺⁻⁽⁾]+)";
string result = Regex.Replace(expression, supChars, ConvertSuperscriptToText);
Console.WriteLine(result); // Currently prints 2^⁻¹² + 3^³ / 4^⁽³⁻¹⁾
Console.WriteLine(result == desiredResult); // Currently prints false
How would I replace the superscript characters without replacing each one of them one by one?
If I have to replace them one by one, how can I replace them using something like a collection similar to PHP's str_replace which accepts arrays as search and replace argument?
Bonus question, how can I replace all kinds of superscript characters with normal text and back to superscript?
You just need a dictionary to map the values and then you can use Linq to translate them over and create a new string out of them.
private static Dictionary<char, char> scriptMapping = new Dictionary<char, char>()
['¹'] = '1',
['²'] = '2',
['³'] = '3',
['⁴'] = '4',
['⁵'] = '5',
['⁶'] = '6',
['⁷'] = '7',
['⁸'] = '8',
['⁹'] = '9',
['⁰'] = '0',
['⁺'] = '+',
['⁻'] = '-',
['⁽'] = '(',
['⁾'] = ')',
private static string ConvertSuperscriptToText(Match m){
string res = m.Groups[1].Value;
res = "^" + new string(res.Select(c => scriptMapping[c]).ToArray());
return res;
You could also create your regex from the dictionary so there's only one place to add new subscripts.
string supChars = "([" + new string(scriptMapping.Keys.ToArray()) + "]+)"