Well, recently I started learning Assembly 8086 out of curiosity mostly.
Input in assembly allows you to type only one character, so I tried to make a program in Assembly 8086 that allows you to enter multi-digit integer input, ending the input with "space"(' '
), then adding the number and printing the value.
I saw that push
and pop
can be used to pass arguments to a procedure but I tried to use them to make my procedure return something and store it to a variable, I couldn't imagine a way to do this with ret
based on my knowledge on Assembly 8086 so...anyway, I made a procedure, but for some reason the ret
at the end of the procedure doesn't seem to work and the procedure runs infinite times.
The code so far:
.model small
org 100h
fv db 0 ;variables to store the numbers
sv db 0 ;
jmp start ;a pattern of mine in some way to avoid a procedure be called twice and what everyone shows
;just doesn't work, after the main ends, all the procs run again,
;it worked perfectly any other time I used procedures to my program
f1 proc ;the procedure
mov cl, 0 ;clear cl bcs later the first time is used I have not stored some thing in there and
;always for some reason, to all my programs "cx" has a value stored, maybe from the
;emulator I use
mov ah, 1h ;single character input
int 21h ;
cmp al, ' ' ;if input is equal to "space"("space" must be the last input, as far as I have
;gone with the program)
jne true ; if input != ' '
je false ; if input == ' '
true: ; in case input != ' '
mov bl, al ;store the input
mov al, cl ;digits taken from input previously
sub bl, 30h;bcs if input == 8, whatactually is stored is the ASCII code of it in this
;case : 38h or 56
mov dl, 10 ;What I thought : if user writes as input 12, what actually types 1 * 10 + 2
;so I am storing 10 to dl to multiply the previously entered numbers in the
;example above : 1
mul dl ;multiplication
add al, bl ;add new input to (old inputs * 10)
mov cl, al ;store old inputs
mov ah, 1h ;input
int 21h ;
jmp while ;check again if input == ' ' or not
false: ;in case input == ' '
mov ch, 0 ; in chase ch had some thing else in it from something else than the
; input(0 <= input <= 127~128(127 + 128 = 255))
push cx ; store cx(final result from the inputs) in to the stack to store it to a
; variable
ret ; end procedure
f1 endp ;
start: ; with "jmp start" at the start of the ".code" makes the program start from "main"
main proc
call f1 ;call procedure
pop bx ;store result in to bx bcs `push` and `pop` as far as I know need at least 16-bit
;and varables are 8-bit, I know I can make them 16-bit but anyway
mov fv, bl ;store result to variable
end main
Well, I found it, before I push anything else to the stack(I searched how push
, pop
, call
and ret
work)I pop
-ed in to bx
and then after I push
-ed to the stack what I wanted to push
, before ret
I push
-ed what was to bx
(the addres ret
was supposed to jump) and then I ret
Code :
.model small
org 256
fv db 0
sv db 0
jmp start
f1 proc
mov cl, 0
mov ah, 1h
int 21h
cmp al, ' '
jne true
je false
mov bl, al
mov al, cl
sub bl, 30h
mov dl, 10
mul dl
add al, bl
mov cl, al
mov ah, 1h
int 21h
jmp while
pop bx
mov ch, 0
push cx
push bx
f1 endp
main proc
call f1
pop bx
mov fv, bl
end main