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function: if with interrupting, return

I am not able to get values from my prompt function

I need the function to work properly if users input is equal to one of 6 variables, and in "if" condition to stop if input didn't match any. I manipulated with &&, || !, ==, === a lot, nothing works, console.log gives me the same result I'm typing (but with upper cased first letter, lol)

let r = "Rock";
let p = "Paper";
let s = "Scissor";
let rl = "rock";
let pl = "paper";
let sl = "scissor";
const weapon = [r, p, s];
let playerChoiceUnchecked = prompt("Rock, Paper, or Scissor?");
function playerChoice(checkPlayer) {
 if (playerChoiceUnchecked == ((!r && !rl) && (!p && !pl) && (!s && !sl))) {
    alert("There's no such weapon");
    return false;
 } else {
    let checkPlayer = playerChoiceUnchecked.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + playerChoiceUnchecked.slice(1);
    //return checkPlayer;
    console.log(checkPlayer); //debug for playerChoice, second part DONE


  • Your code could be simplified:

    const weapons = ["rock", "paper", "scissor"]
    function playerChoice() {
      let playerChoiceUnchecked = prompt("Rock, Paper, or Scissor?");
      if ( !weapons.includes( playerChoiceUnchecked.toLowerCase() ) ) {
        alert("There's no such weapon");
      } else {
        let checkPlayer = playerChoiceUnchecked.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + playerChoiceUnchecked.slice(1);