The typescript compiler API is new for me and looks like I'm missing something. I'm looking the way to update specific object at ts file with compiler API
Existing file - some-constant.ts
export const someConstant = {
name: 'Jhon',
lastName: 'Doe',
additionalData: {
age: 44,
height: 145,
someProp: 'OLD_Value'
* Some comments that describes what's going on here
After all, I want to get something like this:
export const someConstant = {
name: 'Jhon',
lastName: 'Doe',
additionalData: {
age: 999,
height: 3333,
someProp: 'NEW_Value'
eyeColor: 'brown',
email: '',
otherProp: 'with some value'
I started writing an answer on how to do this with the compiler API, but then I gave up because it was starting to get super long.
This is easily possible with ts-morph by doing the following:
import { Project, PropertyAssignment, QuoteKind, Node } from "ts-morph";
// setup
const project = new Project({
useInMemoryFileSystem: true, // this example doesn't use the real file system
manipulationSettings: {
quoteKind: QuoteKind.Single,
const sourceFile = project.createSourceFile("/file.ts", `export const someConstant = {
name: 'Jhon',
lastName: 'Doe',
additionalData: {
age: 44,
height: 145,
someProp: 'OLD_Value'
* Some comments that describes what's going on here
// get the object literal
const additionalDataProp = sourceFile
.getPropertyOrThrow("additionalData") as PropertyAssignment;
const additionalDataObjLit = additionalDataProp
// remove all the "comment nodes" if you want to... you may want to do something more specific
.forEach(c => c.remove());
// add the new properties
name: "eyeColor",
initializer: writer => writer.quote("brown"),
}, {
name: "email",
initializer: writer => writer.quote(""),
}, {
name: "otherProp",
initializer: writer => writer.quote("with some value"),
// output the new text