I have a list with type MyClass, and MyClass has several attributes. How can i retrieve data using CsvHelper, if .csv file looks like this? (Yes, attributes of type Data1 are numbered.)
Date | Data1 | Unit | Data2 | Unit | Data3 | Unit | ... | DataN | Unit -----------|----------|-------|----------|-------|----------|-------|-----|----------|---------- 2020.01.02 | 1 | kW | 3 | kW | 1.5 | kW | ... | 0 | kW 2020.01.03 | 0 | kW | 4 | kW | 1 | kW | ... | 3 | kW 2020.01.04 | 4 | kW | 2 | kW | 1 | kW | ... | 2 | kW
This is what i want to see. The objects are stored in a list that can store MyClass type.
List(MyClass) = [Object-1, Object-1, Object-3, ..., Object-N]
Object-1: [(2020.01.02.,1, kW),(2020.01.03.,0, kW),,(2020.01.04.,4, kW)]
Object-2: [(2020.01.02.,3, kW),(2020.01.03.,4, kW),,(2020.01.04.,2, kW)]
Object-3: [(2020.01.02.,1.5, kW),(2020.01.03.,1, kW),,(2020.01.04.,1, kW)]
Object-N: [(2020.01.02.,0, kW),(2020.01.03.,3, kW),,(2020.01.04.,2, kW)]
private DateTime Date;
private List List;
private DateTime Date;
private string A1; //Attribute1
private int A2; //Attribute2
If the properties of only one object are listed, then i can do the task, but not with multiple objects and this layout. I thought of reading the file row by row and then somehow pairing its related data.
How to do this task effectively?
This would be one way to do it.
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
using (CsvReader csv = new CsvReader(reader, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
stream.Position = 0;
var records = new List<MappedClass>();
while (csv.Read())
var record = new MappedClass
Date = record.Date,
Date = csv.GetField<DateTime>(0),
List = new List<MyClass>()
for (int i = 1; i < csv.Context.HeaderRecord.Length; i += 2)
var item = new MyClass
Data = csv.GetField<decimal>(i),
Unit = csv.GetField<string>(i + 1)
public class MappedClass
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public List<MyClass> List { get; set; }
public class MyClass {
public DateTime Date;
public string Unit; //Attribute1
public decimal Data; //Attribute2