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ReactJs Leaflet Marker Location Position Problem

I am trying to add a map in my reactjs project with leaflet and want to show the location's of vehicles on the map. I made a sample usage for this. But When i used marker on the map i see that (as you can see in this image):

marker's left top side stick to my location. I want to see marker's bottom on the center of my location as the circle is. But i could not do it. I read react-leaflet documentation but did not see a parameter for this. If you help me, I appreciate for this. Thanks

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import Leaflet from 'leaflet';
import { Map, CircleMarker, TileLayer, Marker, Popup } from 'react-leaflet'
import 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css';

import icon from 'leaflet/dist/images/marker-icon.png';
import iconShadow from 'leaflet/dist/images/marker-shadow.png';

let DefaultIcon = Leaflet.icon({
    iconUrl: icon,
    shadowUrl: iconShadow

Leaflet.Marker.prototype.options.icon = DefaultIcon;

class SimpleExample extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      lat: 39.9653301,
      lng: 32.7760817,
      zoom: 5,
      markerPoint: {
        x: 320,
        y: 192
    this.refMap = React.createRef();

  render() {
    const { lat, lng, zoom } = this.state;
    const position = [lat, lng];
    return (
      <Map ref={this.refMap} center={position} zoom={zoom}   style={{ height: '400px', width: '100%' }}>
          attribution="&copy; <a href=&quot;;>OpenStreetMap</a> contributors"
        <Marker position={position} draggable="True" pane="popupPane" >
              <span>A pretty CSS3 popup. <br/> Easily customizable.</span>

export default SimpleExample;


  • Define proper iconAnchor size and marker will be placed on the correct location.

    let DefaultIcon = Leaflet.icon({
      iconSize: [25, 41],
      iconAnchor: [10, 41],
      popupAnchor: [2, -40],
      iconUrl: icon,
      shadowUrl: iconShadow
