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Is it possible to use custom annotations instead of @Named in top of @Provides?

Assume we want to @Inject Strings. I create the Module:

public class StringModule extends AbstractModule{
    String black() {
        return "black";

    String white() {
        return "white"

and now I ask for the injected value:

private String wantWhiteHere;

Obviously Guice will throw an error because the binding is ambiguous. I know that i can get white if I use the @Named annotation like that:

public class StringModule extends AbstractModule{
    String black() {
        return "black";

    String white() {
        return "white"

and then:

private String iGotWhiteHere;

But what I want is this:

public class StringModule extends AbstractModule{
    String black() {
        return "black";

    String white() {
        return "white"


private String tryingToGetWhiteHere;

Is it possible? When I do it the exception:

A binding to java.lang.String was already configured...

Is there anything anywhere that I can configure to achieve it?

My version of Guice is 4.2.3


  • Use @Qualifier

    Yes, it is possible. Make sure that you have the following declaration:

    public @interface White { }

    You can find more info on Guice's official wiki.