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Error Running ARFoundation App on Android Emulator

I have downloaded the ar foundation app from a course regarding AR Foundation on Coursera. I have successfully run the app on my phone but my phone does not support ARCore, so I went for the emulator. I followed all the instructions on the ARCore Website. But When I install the apk from the unity project and drag-drop on the emulator it gives me String Parse Error

logcat shows:

failed to install my_arr_app.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]

Can anyone help how to resolve it or how to test my apps to complete the course successfully? Please guide! Thank you in advance


  • See the other answer for the solution

    The app is using native libraries compiled for a specific platform. There are multiple different platform types that android supports (armeabi, x86, x86_64, etc.). Depending on the emulator image you are using the app might not include the binaries for your emulator.

    You can open the APK in Android Studio (or extract it as a zip) and have a look into the lib folder in the APK. Each subfolder is an architecture name.

    Then you can create a new Emulator in the AVD manager and when choosing the system image, select "Other images" and choose one with an ABI which is included in the app.

    Example: system image selector

    The answers from the following question also might provide some detail: INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS when install apk