I'm trying to remove suffix to variable names of a data frame in R to aggregate this columns.
I've imported a excel sheet into a data frame in R, but the column names where imported like this
var1...9 var2...10 var1...11 var2...12 var3.name...13
12 7 5 10 6
3 9 20 7 13
What I need is to remove the last part (from ...) to aggregate the columns by name.
var1 var2 var3.name
17 17 6
23 16 13
To do this I'm using dplyr
x %>%
rename_at(.vars = vars(ends_with("...*")),
.funs = funs(sub("[...]*$", "", .)))
but doesn't work, I think using * is not the appropriate way to use a wildcard...
I actually think using base R is easier here:
names(x) <- sub("\\.{3}\\d*$", "", names(x))