I am trying to get the runtime, os and/or device context/information that Sentry measures when send a event, for example:
I want to recycle that information in a react-native app to send to my API and make analytics; so that information must be in a normal JavaScript object and need to be acquire in any moment, not only when the app crash and Sentry send events ;).
Can you help me with this, I only find forms to setContext and complete that information, but not how get it in runtime.
Thank you every one for your support.
Those informations are collected by Sentry via their Native integrations (https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-react-native).
I propose You to get those informations on Your own via https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-device-info
The base OS build the product is based on:
DeviceInfo.getBaseOs().then(baseOs => {
// "Windows", "Android" etc
Get the device name:
DeviceInfo.getDeviceName().then(deviceName => {
// iOS: "Becca's iPhone 6"
// Android: ?
// Windows: ?