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How to use multiple ref variables on same html element in react?

Here is the brief snippet of my functional component's render method(removed unnecessary code for brevity)

  return (
    <Draggable draggableId={id} index={index}>
      {(provided, snapshot) => (
          <div className="carditem" ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.draggableProps} {...provided.dragHandleProps} onClick={onClick}>
            <span className="carditem_title">{card.title}</span>
            <i className="fas fa-pencil-alt edit_button" onClick={onEditClick} />
            {hasDescription && <i className="fas fa-align-left desc_tag" title="This card has a description" />}
          {isEditing && showOverlay && <input className="card_edit" type="text" autoFocus />}

On line 5, if you notice I have a


I want to get the x,y coordinate of div with className="cardItem" and therefore I want to add a ref to that element. But a ref already exists as shown above. How can I add my own ref variable without breaking existing ref?

Not sure if it helps, but I am using react-beautiful-dnd and which is where that provided.innerRef comes from.


  • You can use the callback to bind multiple refs

    const refHanlder = el => {
      refA.current = el;
      refB.current = el;
    ref={el => refHandler}

    The callback is also used for Array of refs

    ref={el => elementRef.current[x] = el}