max g(x,y)= x*k+(1-x)*log(1+((x*y)*l)/(1-x))
s.t: 0<=x<=1,0<=y<=1,
where k,l>0.
Keeping one constraint fixed the function g(x)/g(y) is a concave function. It is also checked by Matlab simulations by various k and l. The simulation result of g(x,y) also gives concave function. What is the maximum value of g(x,y) when two constraints are present?
Maybe you can try fmincon
like below
fn = @(v) -(v(1)*k+(1-v(1))*log(1+((v(1)*v(2))*l)/(1-v(1))));
Xopt = fmincon(fn,[0.5,0.5],[],[],[],[],[0;0]+eps,[1;1]-eps);
k = 5;
l = 2;
fn = @(v) -(v(1)*k+(1-v(1))*log(1+((v(1)*v(2))*l)/(1-v(1))));
Xopt = fmincon(fn,[0.5,0.5],[],[],[],[],[0;0]+eps,[1;1]-eps);
such that
>> Xopt
Xopt =