I'm playing around with javac
+ java
+ java -jar
to get more involved with modules.
I'm using latest JDK 14.
I have this simple class:
package defaultpackage;
public class Main{
public static final void main(final String args[]){
System.out.println("HI WITH: "+java.util.Arrays.toString(args));
I create the directories without problems:
javac -d . Main.java
Later on I can create the jar file playing mixing some values like this:
jar --create --file Jar.jar -e defaultpackage.Main defaultpackage
jar -cfe Jar.jar defaultpackage.Main defaultpackage
jar cfe Jar.jar defaultpackage.Main defaultpackage
They all create the jar with the class in the manifest file and I could run it with this simple command:
java -jar Jar.jar
But I could not this command to work is a slightly different of the previous perhaps this couldn't be mixed but i thought it could:
jar -cf Jar.jar -e defaultpackage.Main defaultpackage
I'm trying to said well create the Jar.jar file with the entry point defaultpackage.Main
But states.
jar -cf Jar.jar -e defaultpackage.Main defaultpackage
-e : no such file or directory
defaultpackage.Main : no such file or directory
I have try this as well but with the same response:
jar -cf Jar.jar defaultpackage -e defaultpackage.Main
jar -cf Jar.jar -e defaultpackage/Main.class defaultpackage
But also with the same response.
How can I make this command to work? I could not mix -cf
plus -e
I could not mix
Correct. The options are somewhat like those of the venerable Unix tar command, but not exactly the same. You cannot use both combined letters and separate option letters.