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How to pass a promise as a parameter

I want to pass a promise as a parameter to another function, use it as a callback. The code I have works as follows

Component 1
function1() {
    let promise: Promise<any>;
    promise.then(response => console.log(response));

Component 2
function2(promise) {
    // Some Code 
    this.dialog.afterClosed().subscribe(data => {

Doing it this way produces an error in function 1, the error is: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined


  • Maybe what you want to do is something like:

    function1() {
      const promise: Promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      promise.then(response => console.log(response));
    function2(resolveFn: any) {
        // Some Code 
        this.dialog.afterClosed().subscribe(data => {

    [UPDATE]: IMO, you should be doing it entirely with observables (no need for promises here):

    function1() {
      const afterClosed$: Observable<any> = this.function2();
      afterClosed$.subscribe((response: any) => console.log(response));
    function2(): Observable<any> {
      // Some Code 
      return this.dialog.afterClosed();