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Javascript http api how to get the list of files of a directory defined by its hash using file/ls api?

I give the Hash of some local IPFS directory and use the fetch api to get the list of files from the response as shown in the code below :

        .then (resp => {return resp.json()})
        .then (json => json.Objects)

which results in the following Response hierarchy :

Objects {…}
  QmSYQqCHX9LBbvfY86oBQGjCPpok4EAjPxUy7wrCWn8tuV    {…}
     Hash   QmSYQqCHX9LBbvfY86oBQGjCPpok4EAjPxUy7wrCWn8tuV
     Size   0
     Type   Directory
    Links   […]
       0    {…}
         Name   chose.dat
         Hash   QmUtAten38KKm8b7omXhmiJP1QT49mMWLeHJQK3yPnAmBr
         Size   9
         Type   File 
       1  etc...

I got stuck at the Objects level and I am unable to reach the Links level of the hierarchy. I do not know how to handle the hash level, what keyword must be used ?


  • ok running curl | sed -e 's/{/\n{/g' gives :


    therefore you can access the file list with the following snippet :

    let ipfs_path = '/ipfs/QmSYQqCHX9LBbvfY86oBQGjCPpok4EAjPxUy7wrCWn8tuV';
    let url = ''+ipfs_path;
     fetch(url, { method: "POST", mode: 'cors'})
         .then (resp => {return resp.json()})
         .then (readObj)
    function readObj(json) {
      let hash = json.Arguments[ipfs_path]
      console.log('hash: ',hash)
      let obj = json.Objects
      let links = obj[hash].Links
      let names = ( e => e.Name )
      let buf = ''
      for (let i=0; i<links.length; i++) {
        file = links[i]
        buf += '// file '+i+' :<br>name: '+file.Name
            +'<br>hash: '+file.Hash
            + '<br>size: '+file.Size
      document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = buf;
    <div id=result></div>

    Note: I get the hash key from the json.Arguments' hashtable