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Batch Copy Rename, Prompt on duplicate

Super new to batch files and programming in general so any help is appriciated; I'm trying to copy, and rename a file based on user input, then open the new file. My issue is, If there is a duplicate, I want it to re-prompt the user for a different name. Right now I have:

SET /P "dname=Type new sheet name, then press Enter:"
COPY "O:\master.xlsx" "O:\%dname%.xlsx" /V /-Y
START /D "O:" %dname%.xlsx

And this works for copying and renaming, but if there is a duplicate, I get the prompt 'do you want to copy Y/N' but if I say no, it doesn't ask for a different name. Thank you!

Edit 1: I now have this:

SET /P "dname=Type sheet name, then press Enter:"
IF EXIST "O:\%dname%.xlsx" (
    SET /P "dname=Error! There is already a file named %dname%. Please choose a new unique name:"
    IF EXIST "O:\%dname%.xlsx" (
        GOTO :RETRY
COPY "O:\master.xlsx" "O:\%dname%.xlsx" /V /-Y

And it seems to work reliably. Is there a better way to streamline/optimize this with a loop? Or is that good enough?


  • This is how I would do it:

    @echo off
    set "oldname=master"
    set "newname=%oldname%"
    set /p "newname=New Name: "
    if exist "%newname%.xlsx" (
      echo %newname%.xlsx already exists. Chose another name.
      goto :loop
    COPY "%oldname%.xlsx" "%newname%.xlsx"