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Yii2 custom validation rule, compare function using three attributes

I'm trying to modify a custom validation rule in Yii2. I want to compare three attributes, the scenario is like:

harga_total must be greater than (harga_satuan times banyak_satuan)

This is what I'm doing:

public function rules() {
        return [            
            [['harga_total'], 'validateHarga', 'skipOnEmpty' => false, 'skipOnError' => false],

public function validateHarga() {
        $a = $this->harga_total;
        $b = $this->harga_satuan;
        $c = $this->banyak_satuan;
        if ($a <= ($b * $c)) {
            $this->addError('harga_total', 'Harga Total harus lebih besar atau sama dengan harga satuan dikali dengan banyak satuan');

But the form doesn't show error or anything.

The other validation rules (not in a function like this one) I do in this model work fine.

I also tried doing it in rules function, like this:

['harga_total', 'compare', 'compareAttribute' => ($this->harga_satuan * $this->banyak_satuan), 'operator' => '>=','message' => 'Harga total harus lebih atau sama dengan harga satuan', 'type' => 'number'],

Doesn't work either.



    Turns out the function works but not directly on client side. It works after all other validation rules passed.