Hello i want To Make A script to test ping after ping success will continues execute comand. Thanks For All Your Helps
below my code
set ip [,]
foreach hostname $ip {
spawn ping -c 2 -i 3 -W 1 $hostname
expect { "0%" {
spawn telnet $hostname
expect "*sername:"
send "$userper\n"
expect "*assword:"
send "$passper\n"
expect "#"
send "exit\n"
expect eof
First, this set ip [,]
will most likely give you invalid command name ","
To make a list, use set ip {}
-- braces and spaces.
Next, that ping command does not require any interactivity, so don't spawn it, just exec
set ping_output [exec ping -c 2 -i 3 -W 1 $hostname]
And then check the output for 0%
-- note, you don't want to match 100%
so add a leading space to the pattern:
if {[regexp { 0%} $ping_output]} {
spawn telnet $hostname
expect is an extension of tcl so all the Tcl commands are at your disposal